Legal notices

Published by: 
HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT, Forstprodukte und – geräte GmbH,
Technologiepark 24
D-22946 Trittau
Tel. 04154-8448-0
Fax 04154-8448-40

Managing directors:  
Steen Vincens Riber
Lars Bonne
Erik Dalby 

VAT ID no.: 
DE 152674273

Commercial register entry: 
Ahrensburg District Court, HRB 3730

Edited by: 
HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT, Forstprodukte und – geräte GmbH,
General Management

Heidegesellschaft, Forstprodukte und – geräte GmbH strives as far as can reasonably be expected to provide correct and complete information on this website. HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT does not however assume any liability for the information provided on this website being up-to-date, correct and complete, nor does it provide any guarantee in this regard. This also applies to all the links that this website refers to either directly or indirectly. HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT is not responsible for the content of any page that is accessed via such a link. HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT reserves the right to make amendments or additions to the information provided without giving prior notice.

The content of this website is protected by copyright. HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT nevertheless grants you the right to store or reproduce all of, or excerpts from, the text provided on this website. For copyright reasons the storage and reproduction of images or graphics from this website is however only permitted with our explicit approval. HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT is not liable for direct or indirect losses, including loss of profit, that arise on account of, or through any connection with, the information held on this website.

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