Being a subsidiary company of Hedeselskabet, an environmentally oriented foundation, HD Silva is committed to working according to high standards of ecology and ethics. These concepts are part of our vision and mission.
We are certified according to both PEFC's and FSC ®'s Chain of Custody. Under the FSC, we are also certified according to the Controlled Wood (CW) principles.
HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT is certified according to PEFC's Chain of Custody. Certificate no. SA-PEFC/COC-002858, valid until 10.05.2026. Login user no. PEFC/09-31-011.
HEIDEGESELLSCHAFT is certified according to FSC's Chain of Custody and Controlled Wood. Certificate nos. SA-COC-002858 and SA-CW-002858, both valid until 10.05.2026.
Consequently, Heidegesellschaft does not supply:
- illegally logged wood
- wood logged in violation of the rights of indigenous peoples
- wood from forests where operations threaten protected flora and fauna
- wood from forests being converted into plantations or other uses than forestry
- wood from forests where genetically modified tree species have been planted
Our customers have access to review all our vouchers at any time to track the origins of the wood.